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New Accessible Lesson Plan: In or Out: Race and Disability as Legal Barriers to Immigration

Published on Sat, 06/16/2018

Who gets accepted as a citizen or as an immigrant?  Who is considered a desirable immigrant? This lesson plan examines the arrival of newcomers and the history of the entry process. Students use primary source images and texts to investigate the answer to this question for Ellis Island in the 1900s and then present evidence with supported claims.

New Lesson Plan: Child Immigrant Experiences of Early 1900s and Today

Published on Sat, 04/07/2018

This elementary school lesson engages students with primary source materials that make vivid the journeys and lives of immigrant children in the early 20th century and today. It features video interviews with kids who have recently immigrated and archival photos of child immigrants from the turn of the 20th century.

New Lesson Plan: Injuries and Disability in 19th Century Industry

Published on Sat, 03/17/2018

Incurring a disability at work was a common occurrence of the Industrial Revolution. In this lesson, students will explore how such injuries impacted the lives of workers in an era before many public and private supports that we take for granted today. This lesson integrates disability history into a much larger 14-day unit on the Industrial Revolution.

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