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Contact Us

Email us with comments and questions, and inquiries about professional development programs.

Rich Cairn, History and Civics Curriculum and Instruction Specialist, Emerging America Program, CES
(413) 588-5936 

rcairn "@" collaborative.org 

Alison Noyes, Emerging America Manager, Emerging America Program, CES
(413) 949-1472

anoyes "@" collaborative.org 

Mailing address:
Emerging America,
Collaborative for Educational Services
97 Hawley Street,
Northampton, MA 01060

To sign up for our monthly digital History eNews, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

History eNews is a compilation of resources in history and civics, featuring supports for English Learners and for students with disabilities. See the Emerging America blog for current and past eNews. 

Upcoming Workshops

Integrating the New Jersey LGBTQ and Disabilities Inclusive curriculum mandate Full-day professional workshop sponsored by: NJEA Consortium, Count Basie Center…
November 16 - Collaborative for Educational Services - Northampton, Massachusetts Few books about the Civil Rights Movement focus on examples from outside the…
Network with thousands of dynamic educators from across the country for the 104th annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, including th…