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NCSS Webinar: Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in the Social Studies

A diverse group of seven high school students lean over to study several documents laid out on a table in the library.
Thu, 10/19/2023

Emerging America and the National Council for the Social Studies present a webinar to strengthen high quality instruction of students with disabilities. 

Register with NCSS. Free. 

History and civics inclusion specialist, and lead curriculum author Rich Cairn leads this exciting and practical webinar.

October 19, 2023 - 7-8pm Eastern Time 

Students with disabilities face distinct challenges in social studies, including complex ideas, extensive vocabulary, and a need for broad background knowledge. Since 2006, Emerging America has guided social studies teachers with strategies and tools for inclusion, grounded in inquiry-based use of primary sources. 
Now a new free K-12 Disability History curriculum will aid teachers to integrate the stories of 250 years of struggle for equality by people with disabilities into the mainstream history and civics curriculum. Development of Reform to Equal Rights is supported by a Teaching with Primary Sources grant from the Library of Congress.

Participants will:

  • Gain understanding of the long arc of Disability Rights in America, culminating in the 1990 Americans with Disability Act.
  • Observe practical strategies and tools to make social studies instruction inclusive.
  • Place teaching strategies in the context of a simple yet effective framework for inclusion built upon the 2021 Educating for American Democracy Roadmap.
  • Access free support resources of the Accessing Inquiry online clearinghouse.
  • Access free Reform to Equal Rights: K-12 Disability History Curriculum.



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