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Immigration During the Progressive Era: Intro to Primary Sources

This lesson is designed to expose students to the immigrant experience through primary and secondary sources. Students may focus more on the difference between primary and secondary sources through the lens of immigration. An extensive number of primary and secondary sources round out this lesson focused on skills that will carry students well into their middle and high school years.

Immigration and WWI

Included in the following primary source set are a variety of resources ranging from sheet music to promotional fliers and propaganda materials. Immigrants in the United States during and after the wartime era surrounding WWI were encouraged to offer their support in a variety of contexts. The first worldwide war (called the Great War at the time) roiled emotions for immigrants from countries all over the globe. Loyalty became a priority. At the same time, immigration from most European countries of origin became impossible.

Injuries and Disability in 19th Century Industry

In this lesson students will learn that incurring a disability at work was a common occurrence of the Industrial Revolution.  This lesson integrates disability history content within a larger 14-day unit on the Industrial Revolution. The lesson plan provides a series of activities that highlight the importance of children and adults with disabilities in 19th century workplaces, and the ways primary source photographs provide information and inspire critical questions.

Eugenics: Preoccupation with Genetic Fitness and Threats of Difference & Disability

The Eugenics movement in the early 20th century United States, a pseudo-scientific amalgamation of social Darwinist philosophy and animal breeding management, gained widespread approval across the country and influenced many internationally, most notably in the the Nazi racial policies of the era leading up to World War II.

New Lesson Plan: Injuries and Disability in 19th Century Industry

Published on Sat, 03/17/2018

Incurring a disability at work was a common occurrence of the Industrial Revolution. In this lesson, students will explore how such injuries impacted the lives of workers in an era before many public and private supports that we take for granted today. This lesson integrates disability history into a much larger 14-day unit on the Industrial Revolution.

New Lesson Plan: Nellie Bly 1887-Exposing Treatment of those with Mental Illness

Published on Tue, 03/06/2018

Nellie Bly’s account of her experience as an inmate at an asylum as an undercover journalist offers a gripping entry point into the history of mental health care reform and a discussion of how people in need of care should be treated. In this lesson, students explore several primary sources addressing the treatment of people with mental illness and disability at New York City’s Blackwell Island in the mid to late 1800s.

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