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Pioneer Valley Illustrated History

Visually rich history published by Guy McLain, Director of the Lyman and Merrie Wood Museum of Springfield History. Provides a rare glimpse into the evolution and history of western Massachusetts. Topics explored include European Settlement of the Valley, the Revolution and Shays’ Rebellion, Development of Transportation and Trade in the Valley, and Expansion of Business and Industry.

Islamic Art, Architecture and Literature

Through the carefully examination of the Emerging America Primary Source Set entitled “Islamic Architecture, Art, and Literature’, students become exposed to the physical manifestations of Islam through inquiry and discussion. Students will learn about Ninian Smart’s Seven Dimension of Religion and grow comfortable using the confines of the Smart’s different elements to make sense of complex religious images and readings.

The Effects of Imperialism on the People of Africa and the Americas

The legacy of European colonialism in Africa and Latin America has caused lasting geopolitical effects on both continents. A student of World History can easily see the cause and effect relationships between the division of African and Latin American lands by European powers and the lasting effects of modern conflicts by analyzing the following primary source materials. Featured within the set are recommended secondary sources, classroom activity ideas, and primary source sets produced by the Library of Congress. Materials are divided into two sections: Africa and the Americas.

Civic Engagement Through Service Learning – Project Guidelines

Goals for a community-based history project. This resource consists of slides created for the Windows on History (which focused on a project culminating in building a website), a graduate course for teachers, supported by the Library of Congress TPS Program at CES. Find more resources on how to organize local history civic engagement and service-learning projects at http://emergingamerica.orgprograms/windows-on-history/.

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