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eNews - Oxbow Image
Date: Nov 18 2019
EMERGING AMERICA HISTORY eNEWS Vol. 6, Issue 37 for November 20, 2019


Elementary girls work on a project at their desks.
Date: Nov 16 2019
Facing the Crisis in Social Studies and Civics Education

Following years of decline in the teaching of History and Social Science, especially in grades K-5, and neglect of civics by schools at all grades, the Massachusetts Legislature and Board of Education each took decisive action in 2018. New state History and Social Science standards elevate civics in the context of inquiry-based Practice…

eNews - Oxbow Image
Date: Nov 4 2019


EMERGING AMERICA HISTORY eNEWS Vol. 6, Issue 36 for November 6, 2019


Diverse student leaders in matching t-shirts speak to teacher institute.
Date: Nov 4 2019

In 2020-2021, school districts across Massachusetts will fully implement student-led civic engagement projects in every 8th grade and every high school. Projects will occur as class assignments, but students may request the option to complete individual projects. Later in November, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) expects to announce a small grants program to support…

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