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2016-17 History Institute: Teaching in the Age of Mass Incarceration

Published on Fri, 08/05/2016

[caption id="attachment_9639" align="alignright" width="300"]bannerhead The History Institute is the UMass History Department's signature offering for teachings. Since 1994, this annual institute has offered local educators a valuable opportunity to explore historical themes in depth, to make meaningful connections with historians at UMass and beyond, and to stay abreast of current scholarship in the field.[/caption] Teaching in the Age of Mass Incarceration is a yearlong professional development series for K12 educators focused on using sociohistorical and interdisciplinary perspectives to understand mass incarceration in the United States. Offered in conjunction with the Feinberg Family Distinguished Lecture Series, an event series exploring the ways that state violence, mass incarceration, and mass criminalization have transformed the U.S. economy, culture, and society. Participating educators will explore concepts and practical classroom examples by:
  • Attending three or more Feinberg events, with more than a dozen events to choose from covering a range of themes including police brutality, immigration detention, and historical origins of mass incarceration to the consequences of incarceration for women, young people, people of color, and LGBTQ individuals
  • Participate in four 90-minute lectures and panels with award-winning educator Dr. Antonio Nieves Martinez (UMass Amherst School of Education)
  • Engage with readings and curricular resources, selected based on teacher interest
  • Develop a simple lesson plan for their classroom
This professional development series is offered free of charge. The Feinberg lectures are open to all and no registration is required. An application is expected for the teacher sessions, with a limit of 15 participants. Interested participants should APPLY HERE by September 6 and will be notified by September 9. 12 PDPs (free) or 1 graduate credit in history ($145 fee) from the UMass Amherst History Department available for teachers who complete all components.

Karen Albano

former History eNews Editor, Emerging America
Karen Albano worked with Emerging America from 2015-2020, contributing to many facets of the program including developing curriculum, improving the accessibility of the website to educators, overseeing social media outreach, and editing the History eNews.