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Workshop Overview

Select a workshop below for further information. For workshops open for registration see current workshops.

All workshops are currently offered ONLINE with a combination of live webinars and off-line material.

Accessing Inquiry for Students with Disabilities Infocard
Accessing Inquiry for Students with Disabilities through Primary Sources

Approaches for struggling learners that increase access and motivation for all students.

Accessing Inquiry for English Learners through Primary Sources Infocard
Accessing Inquiry for English Learners through Primary Sources

Dual-language-learner-friendly methods using immigrant history to engage English Learners.

First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt visits students in a school for students with disabilities. Some students show visible signs of mobility-related disability.
Disability History Workshop for Special Education Professionals
Free one-hour workshop for Special Education professionals on addressing disability and the long arc of disability history.  
Teen with microphone speaks at a community meeting.
Accessing Civic Engagement for Students with Disabilities

How can students with disabilities fully participate in student-led civic engagement projects? 

Flyer for immigration course shows images of immigrants across history.
Immigration Issues in Perspective for Diverse Students
Explore the history of immigration from America's origins to contemporary issues. Engage diverse learners. 
Detail from the Disability History course flyer showing three primary sources
Teaching Disability History in the K-12 Classroom

Explore the remarkable story of reform, endurance, and empowerment. Sample the inclusive Reform to Equal Rights: K-12 Disability History Curriculum. 

"The Pursuit of Happiness" written with script to evoke an 18th century document
Teaching the US Constitution
Innovative and advanced content learning combined with primary source lesson development guidance. Master teacher Kelley Brown with renowned Constitutional scholars.
Integrating Civic Engagement Image
Integrating Civic Engagement Projects Across the Curriculum

Plan effective student-led civic engagement projects, grounded in the powerful Massachusetts Civics Project Guide. 

four cartoon school children stand under the title Private i History Detectives
Teaching Grades K-5 Social Studies with Private i History Detectives

Historical thinking, inquiry based teaching, and compelling historical questions for K-5 classrooms.

World Fascism Infocard
America and World Fascism

What is fascism? Before World War II, idealistic Americans fought in Spain against General Franco's fascist rebels. WWII to today.

Upcoming Workshops

Integrating the New Jersey LGBTQ and Disabilities Inclusive curriculum mandate Full-day professional workshop sponsored by: NJEA Consortium, Count Basie Center…
November 16 - Collaborative for Educational Services - Northampton, Massachusetts Few books about the Civil Rights Movement focus on examples from outside the…
Network with thousands of dynamic educators from across the country for the 104th annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, including th…