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Library of Congress Introductory Video Available

Published on Wed, 01/27/2016

[caption id="attachment_9032" align="alignright" width="300"]Lee Ann Potter, Director of Educational Outreach at the Library of Congress, outlines the varied educational resources. Lee Ann Potter, Director of Educational Outreach at the Library of Congress, outlines the varied educational resources.[/caption] Engaging Students with the Library of Congress: Over the past two decades, the Library of Congress has prepared millions of primary source documents and objects for public use. This free educational resource provides educators and students with access to historical documents and our national treasures in a uniquely digital format. Teaching suggestions, professional development opportunities, and online access to Library of Congress reference specialists provides guidance on how to imbed primary sources into classroom instruction. For further information please check out the following video and explore loc.gov/teachers

Karen Albano

former History eNews Editor, Emerging America
Karen Albano worked with Emerging America from 2015-2020, contributing to many facets of the program including developing curriculum, improving the accessibility of the website to educators, overseeing social media outreach, and editing the History eNews.