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Emerging America logo against vista of sky, river, distant mountains.
Date: Jun 20 2024
A middle-aged man with a white wig, wearing an elegant suit stands, holding a hand out with documents and books piled on a writing desk.
Date: Jun 13 2024

Guest post by Nancy Spannaus

Origin of the American System

It is common practice to present the American System of Economics as the invention of Kentucky politician Henry Clay, who served as a leading spokesman for that policy in the Federal government from 1806 to his death in 1852. But in his advocacy for the key components of the American System–Federal protection for manufactures,…

A man in a suit makes signs in American Sign Language.
Date: Jun 11 2024

By Rich Cairn, History, Civics & Social Studies Inclusion Specialist, CES

Teaching about Disability in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era

Slides from presentation by Rich Cairn at the virtual conference: A More Perfect Union: Exploring America's Story in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, June 17, 2024

A More Perfect Union: Exploring America's Story in the Gilded Age and…

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