EMERGING AMERICA HISTORY eNEWS Vol. 7, Issue 26 for September 16, 2020
September 23-24 - 5-8pm - Massachusetts DESE Virtual Civic Engagement Conference. Info & Register. Emerging America workshop on students with disabilities and civic engagement Sept. 24 - 6:30pm.
NERC online - October 4-14 - Info & Register .
The Library of Congress updated its Teacher's Page: www.loc.gov/programs/teachers. Watch recorded intro webinar.
History's Mysteries K-5 Curriculum - investigate migration, citizenship, the First Amendment, slavery, calls for justice, and more. Free. http://emergingamerica.org/
historys-mysteries -
Complete Mass Council for the Social Studies survey on the impacts of the pandemic on the Social Studies. https://www.masscouncil.org/?
page_id=7324 -
Discovering Justice seeks middle school Mock Trial teams! Complete this quick survey by Monday Sept 21st.
Next issue of the History eNews is September 30. Submit events & resources to rcairn@collaborative.org by September 27.
Empower All Learners
NEW COURSE: From Reform to Equal Rights:
Teach Disability History in the K-12 Classroom
Learn the new online content in the 2018 History Standards
Online October 27 through December 7

Laura Bridgman teaches Oliver Caswell at the Perkins School for the Blind. The penciled inscription reads: "The blind leading the blind by the light of the intellect." [1844]. Note use of the form-guided signatures.
EVENTS @ EMERGING AMERICA - Info & Registration.
Contact rcairn@collaborative.org.
PDPs / OR optional grad credit available from Westfield State University.
Accessing Inquiry for English Learners through Primary Sources
From Reform to Equal Rights: Teaching Disability History in the K-12 Classroom
PDPs or 1 grad credit. Led by Rich Cairn, Emerging America, and scholar Graham Warder. Details. This exciting new course will trace the emergence of Disability Rights over two centuries, addressing multiple new content standards in Massachusetts and other states.
October 27 to December 7. Register by October 13.
Contact Rich Cairn rcairn@collaborative.org about scheduling Accessing Inquiry and other professional development workshops remotely in your school district or region for 2020-2021.
- TPS Teachers Network - Teachers with interest in working with primary sources are welcome to join this network.
- George Floyd Memorial - Minneapolis - Album
- Race and the Census - Discussion
- Listen Up! A Look at Distance Learning 1909-1932
- The 20th annual Library of Congress National Book Festival will be held online Sept. 25-27. For news and updates, follow the festival blog and subscribe to latest updates.
Featured authors: Sandra Cisneros, Jason Reynolds, Amy Tan, John Grisham, Colson Whiteheads. Listing of all authors here: https://www.loc.gov/events/
2020-national-book-festival/ authors/ -
Schedule of Events: https://www.loc.gov/events/
2020-national-book-festival/ schedule/
Library of Congress Teacher Blog http://blogs.loc.gov/teachers/
- Five Questions with Peter DeCraene, the 2020-2021 Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow at the Library of Congress.
- Jason Reynolds: The 2020 National Book Festival.
Seminar: Modern Japan, Part I: Meiji through World War II, Sep. 20-Nov. 21. Explores significant elements of Japan's political, social, and cultural history from 1868-1945. Flyer and application.
Sept. 22 - 5:30pm We Are the Story, We Are the Land. Karuna. series website
Sept. 25 - 8pm - Celebrating Ingenuity - Library of Congress Book Festival.
Library of Congress and Waynesburg University - Professional Development Providers Institute - Wednesdays - September 30th - November 4th, 2020 - 5:30 - 6:30 pm ET
Sept 30, 6pm - UMass Amherst Department of History - Feinberg Series 2020-2021 What Does the Earth Ask of Us? - Robin Wall Kimmerer keynote.
UMass Feinberg series credit option - Teaching on a Precipice: Empowering Student / Teacher Partnerships for Climate Justice - Romina Pacheco, Safire DeJong
The Satsuma Rebellion: Illustrated Japanese History-The Last Stand of the Samurai. Oct. 14-Nov. 3. Award-winning authors and illustrators tell the riveting story that changed the face of modern Japan. Register Here.
- SUMMER 2021 - JFK Library - American Studies Summer Institute | Changemakers: Youth Activism from the Progressive Era to Today.
iCivics Constitution Unit
Library of Congress units on the U.S. Constitution
Engage Youth in the Election - from Mikva Challenge
Celebrate Latinx Month - Teaching Tolerance
Curriculum on Africa, including: Soundscapes of Protest: Music in Social Movements Across Africa - from Primary Source
iCivics Election Central https://www.icivics.org/
election -
Contextualizing the Pandemic - essay from the California History and Social Science Project
- Remote Teaching and Learning from the Massachusetts Department of Education (DESE). Topics include 1) strategic use of synchronous and asynchronous, tools, culturally responsive teaching in remote settings; 2) Best practices for History and Social Sciences; 3) Learning environment; 4) Family collaboration, and 5) Professional collaboration.
- Making a plexiglass light-board to write on while facing students during online teaching.
- Contextualizing the Pandemic - essay from the California History and Social Science Project
See Resources for Education During a Pandemic for complete list.
EmergingAmerica.org History eNews welcomes YOUR news & events.
Published Wednesdays; deadline Sunday noon. Archived at http://EmergingAmerica.org/blog.
- Reply to rcairn@collaborative.org to be removed from this list.
Register for CES events.
Teacher-created lessons, primary source sets, & assessments at: http://EmergingAmerica.org.
Follow Emerging America on Twitter and Facebook.
Content created and featured in partnership with the TPS program does not indicate an endorsement by the Library of Congress.