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History eNews from Emerging America - March 24, 2021

Published on Wed, 03/24/2021

Emerging America logo against vista of sky, river, distant mountains.

EMERGING AMERICA HISTORY eNEWS Vol. 8, Issue 7 for March 24, 2021


  • News
  • Events @ Emerging America 
  • New at the Library of Congress
  • Other Professional Development Events
  • Other Resources


Build the Foundations of History, Civics, and Inquiry in Your District

History’s Mysteries: Historical Inquiry for Elementary Classrooms 

April 14, 7pm - Introductory Workshop - NEW UNITS! Info & Registration


“Research consistently demonstrates that social studies receives the least amount of instructional time in the elementary grades when compared to the amount of time afforded to other core content areas.” Council of Chief State School Officers


  • Addressing Anti-Asian Bias - Learning for Justice (formerly Teaching Tolerance)
  • March 25, 4pm Eastern - Creating an Inclusive Civic and History Education for All - building on the Educating for American Democracy initiative - a webinar by the Learning Disabilities Association of America and Emerging America - Info.
  • April 26-30, 2021 - Massachusetts Civic Learning Week - Sign up to present! and/or Sign up for updates.
  • Mass Civics for All spring webinars:  
    • April 29, 4pm Eastern - Civics, Student Voice and Inclusion - Building Audacity. Info.

    • May 25, 4pm Eastern - Civics in the Elementary Grades - History’s Mysteries. Info

  • Massachusetts Student Government Day - May 21. Info
  • Mass DESE seeks educators to support unpacking 2018 History & Social Science Frameworks. Contact Reuben Henriques: reuben.f.henriques@mass.gov
  • Mass DESE is hiring a History/Social Science Specialist. Info
  • WGBH seeks Massachusetts schools to pilot new 8th grade curriculum: Youth Stand Up. Honoraria available. Pilot info. GBH also seeks grade 7-9 teachers to complete a project survey. Honoraria available. Contact Carolyn Jacobs re pilot and survey: carolyn_jacobs@wgbh.org.  
  • Civics Secures Democracy Act introduced in Congress. Info
  • Give input to the Library of Congress and American Alliance of Museums. Take the survey
  • The National Academies of Sciences seeks input on their new Call to Action for Science Education. Info & Survey
  • Have you seen the new units at History’s Mysteries Historical Inquiry K-5 Curriculum? Including: “What can different maps tell us about Native sovereignty and Native land?” 
  • Due to changes in funding from the Library of Congress in 2021, Emerging America must raise rates for most of our workshops and courses. Questions? Contact rcairn@collaborative.org or anoyes@collaborative.org
  • Next issue of History eNews is March 31. Submit items to rcairn@collaborative.org by March 28.


EVENTS @ EMERGING AMERICA - Info & Registration.

Mark your calendars for these Emerging America courses and workshops. Contact rcairn@collaborative.org.


PDPs / OR optional grad credit available from Westfield State UniversityAccessing Inquiry for English Learners through Primary Sources:

    • ALL states' teachers welcome! Focus on Massachusetts and Maryland state standards and resources. 
    • Led by Rich Cairn and Alison Noyes, Emerging America; Lia Atanat, Maryland Humanities. 
    • Earn 22.5 PDPs (MA), 15 hours (other states), or 1 grad credit in History from Westfield State University. Meets Massachusetts 15-hour recertification requirement on teaching English Learners. 
    • April 9 - May 21. One live webinar. Info & Registration


  • Teaching the History's Mysteries K-5 Curriculum: 
    • Earn 10 PDPs by completing the workshop and submitting reflective input after you teach the curriculum. Led by program creators, Laurie Risler and Kelley Brown. Info about the free History’s Mysteries: Historical Inquiry for Elementary Classrooms. Info & Registration
    • April 14, 7-8:15pm 
    • Follow-up session for all in June. 


  • The Right to Privacy: "The Most Valued and Comprehensive Right": 
    • Taught by outstanding teacher-leader Kelley Brown and historian David Hudson. 
    • Earn 67.5 PDPs (MA), 45 hours (other states), or 3 grad credits from Westfield State University. 
    • May 3 - June 25. Two live webinars: May 19 & June 9. Info & Registration


  • Accessing Inquiry for Students with Disabilities through Primary Sources: 
    • ALL states' teachers welcome! Focus on Massachusetts and Maryland state standards and resources. 
    • Led by Rich Cairn and Alison Noyes, Emerging America; Lia Atanat, Maryland Humanities. 
    • Earn 22.5 PDPs (MA), 15 hours (other states), or 1 grad credit in History from Westfield State University. Meets Massachusetts 15-hour recertification requirement on teaching students with disabilities.
    • July 9-August 8. One live webinar July 14. Info & Registration



See complete list of short webinars, poster presentations, and more. 

  • March 25 - Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) Panel Discussion - Creating an Inclusive Civic and History Education for All - LDA & Emerging America are proud partners of Educating for American Democracy. Learn about this initiative and changes it represents for all learners. Info
  • April 8-11 - NCHE Conference. Info
  • May 7-8 - Teaching History Conference - UC Davis and the California History and Social Science Project. Info & Registration
  • Recording: February 24, 2021 - Rethinking Immigration History for ALL Learners. Keynote presentation as part of Teacher Librarian Day. (90 minutes). Recording. In 2021, the TLD ran from February 22 to 26 with the theme of New Directions. Sponsored by Metropolitan State University of Denver and Western Region TPS. TLD 2021 Recordings and Materials.

Contact Rich Cairn rcairn@collaborative.org to schedule Accessing Inquiry and other professional development workshops remotely in your school district or region in 2021.




TPS Teachers Network - Teachers with interest in working with primary sources are welcome to join this network. Featured this week - (no log-in needed for ALBUMS):


Library of Congress Teacher Blog http://blogs.loc.gov/teachers/

  • Join us for Part Three of the Double Take Webinar Series: When Was This Photograph Taken – Thursday, March 25 at 4PM ET - Register
  • Free Webinar—Teaching Poetry: Living Nations, Living Words on March 24, 4-5 ET - Register
  • Diversity in the Struggle: Exploring the Lives of Suffragists
  • Planting the Seed with Primary Sources
  • Library of Congress/American Alliance of Museums Visitor Survey - Take the Survey



  • Now through April 1 - Film: The Land Beneath Our Feet - story of a Liberian man’s struggle for justice. Part of Feinberg Series - UMass Amherst Dept. of History - Info
  • March 25 - Discussion with the Director (see prior item) - Info
  • March 31, 6pm Eastern - U.S. Immigration: Past Policy and New Directions JFK Library. Info
  • March 31, 4pm Eastern - Unsung Women of the Civil Rights Movement - Facing History - Info
  • April 7, 3pm Eastern - Connecting with Community Leaders and Stakeholders - Mass DESE. Info
  • April 8-11 - National Council for History Education Conference. Info
  • April 11, 2pm Eastern - Preserving our Collective Memory: Bridging Generations - Virtual Community Holocaust Commemoration of Yom HaShoah - Facing History. Info
  • April 13, 4-4:30pm Eastern - Teaching Spark! Transitional Justice as Genocide Prevention - Facing History. Info
  • April 13 - July 13 - Teaching Students to Ask Their Own Questions: Best Practices in the Question Formulation Technique - Right Question Institute and Harvard Univ. Info
  • April 13, 5pm - How Educating for American Democracy's Design Challenges Help Teachers Strengthen History and Civics Teaching - Facing History. Info
  • April 17 - Youth Climate Summit. Info
  • April 21, 6pm Eastern - Police and Justice Reform - JFK Library. Info






EmergingAmerica.org History eNews welcomes YOUR news & events. 

Published Wednesdays; deadline Sunday noon. Archived at http://EmergingAmerica.org/blog

Register for CES events.

Teacher-created lessons, primary source sets, & assessments at: http://EmergingAmerica.org

Follow Emerging America on Twitter and Facebook.  

Content created and featured in partnership with the TPS program does not indicate an endorsement by the Library of Congress.


Rich Cairn

Civics and Social Studies Curriculum and Instruction Specialist, Collaborative for Educational Services
Rich Cairn founded Emerging America in 2006, which features the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources program at the Collaborative for Educational Services, and the National Endowment for the Humanities Landmarks of American History program, "Forge of Innovation: The Springfield Armory and the Genesis of American Industry." The Accessing Inquiry clearinghouse, supported by the Library of Congress TPS program promotes full inclusion of students with disabilities and English Learners in civics and social studies education.