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Emerging America logo against vista of sky, river, distant mountains.
Date: May 20 2020
Teaching Tolerance: Affirming Black Lives Without Inducing Trauma  Constitutional Rights Foundation - Civic Action Project and Empower the People Library of Congress Webinars - Wednesdays - 2-3pm Eastern Time. Register with Library of Congress. Join Emerging America on June 3!  No History eNews May 27. Next issue is June 3. Submit material by May 31.
Emerging America logo against vista of sky, river, distant mountains.
Date: May 13 2020
Library of Congress Webinars - Wednesdays - 2-3pm Eastern Time.  Join Emerging America on June 3!  U.S. students again score poorly on the international NAEP History-Civics-Geography exam. - See National Assessment of Educational Progress Report  DESE awards Grade 5-7 History & Social Science curriculum development grant to Primary Source  The Massachusetts History Alliance seeks Board of D…
Emerging America logo against vista of sky, river, distant mountains.
Date: May 6 2020
•Library of Congress: Papers of Three U.S. Presidents Added Online (Andrew Johnson, Chester Alan Arthur and William McKinley) •U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo Appointed for a Second Term   The David Ruggles Center introduces a new hands-on classroom curriculum of abolitionist history using primary sources. Visit davidrugglescenter.org/curriculum to learn more. Massachusetts Civic Learning for All w…
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