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Date: Nov 20 2014
UMass Amherst - CES History Institute - Register by Dec. 15 K-12 Teachers can earn 10 PDPs and $50 gift card for attending any two Feinberg Lectures plus two sessions at CES in Northampton, January 22 and February 26 – 4:30-7:00pm. Additional sessions to be scheduled!: We are asking permission to add the following to the series: Tues., Dec. 9, 4:00pm – Center for the Yiddish Book: “So how do you l…
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Date: Nov 14 2014
Seeking Examples of DDMs CES and a team of teachers is drafting state exemplar District Determined Measures (DDMs) for Geography-7th Grade. We will also develop a packet of exemplar DDMs for U.S. and World History–and possibly other subjects. Please help us by emailing YOUR examples in any subject of the Social Studies to rcairn@collaborative.org. (Indicate if I may share what you send.) Examples…
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