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History eNews from Emerging America - May 26, 2021

Published on Wed, 05/26/2021

Emerging America logo against vista of sky, river, distant mountains.

EMERGING AMERICA HISTORY eNEWS Vol. 8, Issue 12 for May 26, 2021


  • News
  • Events @ Emerging America 
  • New at the Library of Congress
  • Professional Development Events
  • Other Resources
  • [if applicable] Emerging America Blog post: Humanity Worth Defending: Disability History in State Standards 2021


From the creators of History's Mysteries, "Learn to Develop Your Own Mysteries"

History’s Mysteries Summer Institute July 12-16

Teach in fall, wrap-up December 12

Info & Registration

[Two young AAPI children stand shoulder to shoulder holding small US flags, a crowd glimpsed behind them.]

Laurie Risler and Kelley Brown created the History’s Mysteries program in 2019-2020 to boost teaching of history and civics in elementary classrooms. This powerful, teacher-friendly program uses primary sources to support literacy and inquiry. Now being taught in all 50 U.S. states! 


  • iCivics launched a new Exploring Primary Sources hub, that features History’s Mysteries and other great digital programs supported by the Library of Congress. 
  • NEW Self-Paced PD Modules on History's Mysteries
  • CitizenU Announced: TPS Microcredentials Library in partnership with the National Education Association. Info
  • GBH Education Dept is looking for a Social Studies Curriculum Specialist. Info
  • Library of Congress is looking for TPS grant proposal reviewers. Details below. Contact contact smoats@loc.gov.
  • June issue of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives VOLUNTEER. Join our July graduate course! Info
  • Dublin Seminar: History of Disability in New England: 1630-1930 - Teacher Workshop - NOW OPEN
  • Springfield Armory National Historic Site - Summer Teacher Ranger 
  • Next issue of History eNews is June 9. Submit items to rcairn@collaborative.org by June 6. 


EVENTS @ EMERGING AMERICA - Info & Registration.

Mark your calendars for these Emerging America courses and workshops. Contact rcairn@collaborative.org.


PDPs / OR optional grad credit available from Westfield State University.  

  • 2021 Dublin Seminar: Living with Disabilities in New England, 1630-1930 - ONLINE
    • Scholars from across the U.S.
    • Teachers can earn CEUs or 1 grad credit through Emerging America. 
    • June 25, 3pm to June 26, 4:30pm 
    • June 29, 4pm - teacher workshop
    • Mark your calendars. Info.


  • NEW! History's Mysteries Summer Institute: Develop a Mystery for Your Own Classroom
    • Taught by History’s Mysteries creators Laurie Risler and Kelley Brown. Deepen your practice; gain coaching to carry this engaging approach across the disciplines. 45 hours or 3 grad credits from WSU. 
    • July 12-16, half-day seminars + half-day work time; teach a unit in fall; share out December 4.  Info & Registration.


  • Accessing Inquiry for Students with Disabilities through Primary Sources 
    • ALL states' teachers welcome! Focus on Massachusetts and Maryland state standards and resources. 
    • Led by Rich Cairn and Alison Noyes, Emerging America with Lia Atanat, Maryland Humanities.
    • NEW: Access FREE K-12 Curriculum on History of People with Disabilities.  
    • Earn 22.5 PDPs (MA), 15 hours (other states), or 1 grad credit in History from Westfield State University. Meets Massachusetts 15-hour recertification requirement on teaching students with disabilities.
    • July 9 - August 8. One live webinar: July 14. Info & Registration.


  • America and World Fascism - From the Spanish Civil War to Nuremberg and Beyond
    • Led by Peter Carroll, Stanford University; Sebastiaan Faber, Oberlin College; and Rich Cairn, Emerging America. 
    • Earn 22.5 PDPs (MA), 15 hours (other states), or 1 grad credit in History from Westfield State University. 
    • July 5 to August 5. Includes four live webinars. Info & Registration.



See complete list of short webinars, poster presentations, and more. 

Contact Rich Cairn rcairn@collaborative.org to schedule Accessing Inquiry and other professional development workshops remotely in your school district or region in 2021.



Seeking Reviewers: Proposals for 2022 Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) grants were submitted May 28. Panels of professionals from several sectors will review the proposals and identify those worthy of funding between June 7 and July 1. Library staff are expecting to receive a larger than usual number of proposals because of the broadening of granting policies. 

Please contact Stacie Moats at smoats@loc.gov if you are interested in joining the Library’s efforts to find TPS grantees and partners as a volunteer TPS review panel member and are not connected to an intended proposal. Please also invite any interested colleagues or associates who are not connected to an intended proposal to contact her directly, or forward the names and contact information for people whom you recommend as volunteer panelists. 

TPS Teachers Network - Teachers with interest in working with primary sources are welcome to join this network. Featured this week - (log in to see DISCUSSIONS; no log-in needed for ALBUMS):


Library of Congress Teacher Blog http://blogs.loc.gov/teachers/

  • Explore Congressional Reactions to Historic Events on Congress.gov
  • Transcribing Whitman: A Library of Congress and National Council of Teachers of English Webinar
  • Teaching with Monuments and Memorials: Defining Monuments
  • Before Brown v. Board of Education, There was Tape v. Hurley
  • Free Webinar—Teaching Poetry: A Conversation with Alberto Ríos
  • Mathematical Rough Drafts and Alexander Graham Bell’s Experimental Notebooks



  • May 27, 7:30pm Eastern - Learning and Teaching the Asian Pacific Islander Experience. Facing History and Ourselves. Info
  • June 1, 8-10pm Eastern - Origins and evolution of the Electoral College. Gilder Lehrman. Info



  • Project Citizen. Info
  • Center for Civics Education: Presidential and Congressional Academies. Info
  • Stanford History Education Group. Info
  • July 10 - Historic Deerfield: Domestic Architecture in the Age of Industry, 1840-1870. Info
  • July 26-29 - Reimagining Migration. Info
  • August 1-2 - Hiking in Japan, Virtual Tour Workshop. Five College Center for East Asian Studies. Info
  • California History and Social Science Project. Info.




EmergingAmerica.org History eNews welcomes YOUR news & events. 

Published semi-monthly on Wednesdays; deadline Sunday noon. Archived at http://EmergingAmerica.org/blog

Register for CES events.

Teacher-created lessons, primary source sets, & assessments at: http://EmergingAmerica.org

Follow Emerging America on Twitter and Facebook.  

Content created and featured in partnership with the TPS program does not indicate an endorsement by the Library of Congress.


Rich Cairn

Civics and Social Studies Curriculum and Instruction Specialist, Collaborative for Educational Services
Rich Cairn founded Emerging America in 2006, which features the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources program at the Collaborative for Educational Services, and the National Endowment for the Humanities Landmarks of American History program, "Forge of Innovation: The Springfield Armory and the Genesis of American Industry." The Accessing Inquiry clearinghouse, supported by the Library of Congress TPS program promotes full inclusion of students with disabilities and English Learners in civics and social studies education.