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History eNews from Emerging America - January 19, 2023

Published on Thu, 01/19/2023

Emerging America logo against vista of sky, river, distant mountains.

EMERGING AMERICA HISTORY eNEWS Vol. 10, Issue 1 for January 19, 2023



Teaching in Today's Difficult Times

America & World Fascism: From the Spanish Civil War to Nuremberg and Beyond 

March 3 - April 15 

Low Cost Workshops/Grad Courses

photo of large marble tiles (4 across, 3 rows) with red text. It is mounted outdoors upright in a frame.
'Abraham Lincoln Brigade Memorial, San Francisco. Photo by Tom Hilton. (2008). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Abraham_Lincoln_Brigade_Memoria….

Text at the top of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Memorial reads: "It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees -- Delores Ibarruri" and "...no men ever entered earth more honorably than those who died in Spain. -- Ernest Hemingway. 


    EVENTS @ EMERGING AMERICA - Info & Registration.

    Mark your calendars for these Emerging America courses and workshops. Contact rcairn@collaborative.org or anoyes@collaborative.org.


    PDPs / OR optional grad credit available from Westfield State University.  

    Scholarships for Winter Courses - Registration fees of $50 and $100

    Graduate Courses - Online



      • America and World Fascism: From the Spanish Civil War to Nuremberg and Beyond – Teaching Human Rights Today
        • March 2 to April 15, 2023 - Webinars March 9, 16 & 30 and April 6 - 4:00-5:15pm Eastern - Register for America and World Fascism 
        • Instructors: Peter N. Carroll, Stanford, University and Sebastiaan Faber, Oberlin College, facilitated by Rich Cairn, Emerging America
        • Special fee of $50 thanks to the Puffin Foundation.  




      Upcoming Presentations and Past Recordings from Emerging America

      See complete list of short webinars, poster presentations, and more.

      • Teach Disability History: We Can and We Must. An imperative for civics learning. 
        • March 8 - 7-8pm Eastern Time - National Civics Learning Week. Webinar. Launch of Reform to Equal Rights: K-12 Disability History Curriculum.
        • Graham Warder, Keene State College; Desiree Forte, Easterseals Massachusetts - #TeachDisabilityHistory campaign; Ross Newton, HEC Academy; Katherine Stevens, Mass Humanities; & Rich Cairn, Emerging America. 
        • FREE. Register for webinar.
      • Learning Disabilities Association of America annual conference - Las Vegas
      • National Council for History Education - Salt Lake City - March 23-25
        • Register for NCHE Conference
        • Emerging America workshop and poster sessions: 
          • Struggles for Freedom of Self-Determination: Engaging Every Learner through Disability History


        Civics Learning Week 2023 logo
        Civics Learning Week
        Learn more about National Civic Learning Week 2023




        TPS Teachers Network - Teachers with interest in working with primary sources are welcome to join this network. Featured this issue - (log in to see DISCUSSIONS; no log-in needed for ALBUMS):

        Library of Congress Teacher Blog http://blogs.loc.gov/teachers/

        • Grab the Mic One Last Time - Jason Reynolds
        • Searching Native American Newspapers in Chronicling America
        • Silent Shakespeare
        • A New Year’s Poem from the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission
        • A Gift for the Holidays: A New Guide to Help Children Explore their Family History
        • African Americans and the Formation of National Parks: The Story of Charles Young



        Braile writing - a cream piece of paper with rows of lighter colored dots in dense patterned groups.
        Italian braille text


        The Italian braille example above is from Helen Keller’s collection: Discorsi Sulla Cecita (Speeches on Blindness), by Aurelio Nicolodi.


        Online unless noted. “Hybrid” events are both virtual and in-person.

        • January 24 - 11am & 2pm ET - free virtual program for K-12 classrooms - Slavery at Mount Vernon. Info on Mount Vernon program
        • February 1 - March 5 - Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Leadership Institute - Library of Congress & Waynesburg University. Info on TPS Institute.  
        • February 7 - 3:30-4:45pm - Genocide Education in the Facing History Classroom. Info on Genocide education virtual forum
        • February 16 - 7-8:30pm - Charting a Path to Teach Indigenous History - National Council for the Social Studies - National Humanities Center - Library of Congress. Info on indigenous history
        • February 17 & February 22 - 11am & 2pm ET - free virtual program for K-12 classrooms - Washington’s Birthday. Info on birthday with Mount Vernon
        • February 22 - 7:30pm - Native Nations and the U.S. Supreme Court - National Council for History Education. Info on the Native Nations webinar.  
        • February 23 - 7pm - Reading Pleasures: Everyday Black Living in Early America - American Antiquarian Society. Info on Black Living webinar
        • February 25, April 15, & May 6 - 11am-noon - webinars - Rural Lives in Context - National Council for History Education. Info on Rural Lives
        • March 8 - 8:30pm - The Revolutionary Sam Adams - National Council for History Education. Info on Sam Adams webinar
        • March 9 - 7pm - From Nonotuck to Northampton: Recovering Indigenous Histories - Historic Northampton. Info on Indigenous Histories webinar. 
        • March 11 - 9am - 5pm - UMass Amherst - Transforming Education for Social Justice Conference. Info on Social Justice Conference. 
        • June 2 and June 5 - Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education showcase civics projects. Info on Massachusetts civics showcase
        • Save the date: June 16 - hybrid: online & on site, Deerfield, Massachusetts - Dublin Seminar - Indigenous Histories in New England: Pastkeepers and Pastkeeping. 






        NEW BLOG POST 

        Tools for Digital Accessibility

        By Rich Cairn

        Today students and teachers increasingly rely on digital resources in and out of the classroom, a trend supercharged by the Covid-19 Pandemic. Access is a right for all. And everyone benefits when educators learn and use the ever-growing tools for digital access. 

        This post points to invaluable resources to ensure that your digital education projects are fully accessible. 

        Link to the full blog post. 


        EmergingAmerica.org History eNews welcomes YOUR news & events. 

        Published monthly on the 3rd Thursday; submit items by the second Wednesday. Archived at http://EmergingAmerica.org/blog

        - Email rcairn@collaborative.org to be removed from this list. 

        Register for CES events: https://www.collaborative.org/professional-development/events/

        Teacher-created lessons, primary source sets, assessments, & teaching strategies at: http://EmergingAmerica.org

        Follow Emerging America on Facebook.  

        Content created and featured in partnership with the TPS program does not indicate an endorsement by the Library of Congress. 

        Content created and featured in partnership with the TPS program does not indicate an endorsement by the Library of Congress.


        Rich Cairn

        Civics and Social Studies Curriculum and Instruction Specialist, Collaborative for Educational Services
        Rich Cairn founded Emerging America in 2006, which features the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources program at the Collaborative for Educational Services, and the National Endowment for the Humanities Landmarks of American History program, "Forge of Innovation: The Springfield Armory and the Genesis of American Industry." The Accessing Inquiry clearinghouse, supported by the Library of Congress TPS program promotes full inclusion of students with disabilities and English Learners in civics and social studies education.