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Building Access to DBQs for Multilingual Learners - ILC

logo Building Access to DBQs for Multilingual Learners
Thu, 02/27/2025

The Multilingual Learner Collaborations project of the Massachusetts Council for the Social studies is presenting in the Immigrant Learning Center public education series on Thursday, February 27, 2025

6:00-7:30 PM ET - Virtual


Document-Based Questions, which require sophisticated historical thinking and literacy skills, are often inaccessible to multilingual learners.  This session will present a methodology for making DBQs accessible to MLLs, through scaffolding tools and model DBQs created by a team of history teachers and EL specialists from Massachusetts through a Library of Congress grant.

This event is part of the series offered by the Immigrant Learning Center. Past events, for which recordings are available, include Dually Identified: How to Support Immigrant Students with Disabilities.


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