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Civics and the Census–Everybody Counts

Red, white, and blue poster with Uncle Sam in stars-and-stripes top hat writing in a book, reads, "It's Your America! 1940 Census USA -- Help the ten-year roll call.
It's Your America! Help the ten-year roll call--1940 CENSUS, U.S.A. https://www.loc.gov/item/92503698/
Year Start
Year End

Access an excellent slide show on the Census from Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium member Dr. Elizabeth Osborn, Indiana University Center on Representative Government! 

The slides include photographs of Census workers, text from the U.S. Constitution, one state's counts and a map from the first U.S. Census, sample questionnaires and instructions from various decades (with links to www.census.gov sources), links to classroom resources, including Statistics in the Schools, and more. 













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Primary Source Set